
5th November - Law News

2141st Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based news & legal articles archive focusing on Law, Lawyers, Law Firms, Justice, Legislation, Legal Ethics, Human Rights & Social Justice issues.

Today's video story: The UN says more than 10 million people do not have a country they legally belong to. They are known as the stateless. People who have neither citizenship nor a nationality. Often it means they have no travel documents, find it difficult to get a job, and are denied access to medical care and other state services. Their plight is highlighted in a report by the United Nations. The most widely covered case in recent months has been Myanmar's Rohingya community. They became officially the largest stateless minority in the world after Myanmar passed a law in 1982 that denied them citizenship. Until August, there were about one million Rohingya in Myanmar, but more than half of them are now in Bangladesh after fleeing a military crackdown. But why, in 2017, are so many people in this position? And what can be done about it?

Saturday Conversations on Law